Walking Past The Plassey (Working Title)

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This is a collection of stories / memories that I started writing in recent years as I approached work retirement. The working title refers to a period in 1975, when at age twenty, I spent two months on my own on Inisheer, Aran Islands. My daily walks around the island always brought me along the eastern rocky shore, and past the Plassey shipwreck — a monument to drift and rescue.

My regular impressions of that period  — which are recalled in this book  — have, for almost fifty years, served as both a counter to life’s difficulties and as a constant reminder of its positives, and challenges. 

I hope to publish Walking Past The Plassey in 2025.

Make sure you are on my email list by sending me an email at barry@kfcullen.ie

See also:  Accidental Drug Worker to be published in 2023.

Barry Cullen © 2018 |Admin: barry@kfcullen.ie| Banner photo -  Boys on scooters over Carnivan Bay